Our Entry Advising Services

Entry Advising is a free service rendered by Gauteng College of Engineering and Technology that matches your academic skills, educational background and career goals with options from the college’s exceptional certificate, diploma, and degree programs. These options may include upgrading, or referrals to academic departments. Entry Advising can even connect you to external agencies for anything from credential assessment to career counselling.

We can help you with everything from academic upgrading to language training necessary for entry to a program. Do you have credentials or referrals from work or study, locally or abroad?

What we advise on

Educational programs and pathways

Advising for Internationally Trained Immigrants

English as Second Language and upgrading options

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)

Second Career

Referrals to College departments and community agencies for career advice, foreign credential assessment and recognition, and other applicant supports

Additional Departments we advise on

Financial Aid

Academic Support


Disability Services

Alumni Career Counselling

Admissions Testing and Assessments

Choices Program: Explore and Plan for College

Looking for the right post-secondary program for you?

Not sure how to decide? Applied but didn’t get in?

This FREE one-week class is for you!

Determine the best program for your interests & goals

Meet with advisors to strengthen your future post-secondary applications

Learn how to meet admission requirements

Develop a plan of action for your education and career that starts with where you are at now

For more information about Choices, please contact Entry Advising

By Phone: +27 11 079 3705
By Email: