Applying to Gauteng College of Engineering and Technology

If your goal is success, applying to Gauteng College of Engineering and Technology is the right choice. It’s a big decision, but a fairly simple process. Still, you’ll probably have questions, so we’re here to support you. Look on your left to access topics that will help you through the process.

Whether it’s explaining the application process in basic steps, determining how previous education and experience could earn you credit, or if you require some financial assistance, everything you need to apply and succeed is here.

Are you an International student? There is specific information you need before applying, available in the GCET International section of our website.

Assessment and Evaluation

Programs are theoretically assessed by means of test and assignment. Since practical competency is continually evaluated, 100% class attendance is compulsory. A theoretical examination takes place in June and November for commercial/business studies, and at the end of each trimester for engineering.

Practical evaluation is done throughout the course. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that he/she is registered for the examination and for correct subject.

Admission Requirements and Procedures


There are basically two entry routes that exist with the following. Learners accessing qualification will have demonstrated competences follows, including any additional entry requirement as stipulated by the Academic Department.

  • In order to complete a level 5 qualification, the learner need to have an NQF Level 4 qualification (Grade 12 or FET Level 4)
  • In order to complete a level 4 qualification, the learner needs to have an NQF Level 3 (Grade 11)
  • In order to complete a level 3 qualification, the learner needs to have an NQF Level 2 qualification (Grade 10)
  • In order to complete a level 1 qualification, the learner needs to have an NQF Level 1 qualification (General Education: culminating in Grade 9)

When doing a skills course with credits, the credit calculate is based on the assumption that, learners are already complete in terms of the previous levels outcomes or areas of Learning.

Each program has its own specific requirements and these are specified on the program facts sheet and must be adhered to at all time. No learners are to be enrolled into program if they do not meet the specified criteria.

Learners may also gain access by means of RPL. Through assessment, credit can be given to learners which has already been acquired in different ways e.g. through life experience. This is subject assurance by the relevant accredited ETQA and must be conducted by a registered RPL assessor, subject to the terms of the model decided upon by the relevant ETQA.